A) A completed and signed application to be received from each person 18 years of age or older. Everyone 18 years of age or older must be a lease holder.
B) A government issued photo ID must be provided at the time the rental application is submitted.
C) No evictions within the last 5 years.
D) ) No unpaid balances to current/previous landlords.
E) Sufficient Income –Gross monthly income is three (3) times the rental amount (married couples’ combined income may be used to meet this criteria).
F) Verifiable source of income or employment. Unverifiable income will NOT be considered. Unemployment compensation is NOT considered a qualifying source of income.
G) Able to pay full deposit upon approval.
H) No notices of any kind from current/previous landlord, nor deposit withheld because of property upkeep or non‐payment of rent.
I) No notices of any kind from current/previous landlord, neighbor complaints or police reports regarding disturbing the peace, or other violation of a previous rental agreement.
J) No nuisance code violations nor health or safety hazards present at applicant’s current residence.
K) Able to put utilities in your name that you will be responsible for at the rental you are applying for. Utilities to be transferred into your name for the date you are moving in, as soon as a move in date has been determined.
L) No recent criminal history, including DUI's. Management reserves the right to deny residency and occupancy for any criminal activity at their discretion. Guarantors / co‐signers cannot be used as a substitute for this requirement.
M) No DUI, DWI, OWI, PAC, ect. in the last five years and no more than one (1) EVER.
N) Able to verify all above criteria.
O) Those with pets ‐ able to provide proof of license, tags, shots, and references.
P) Dogs allowed at select properties only. Property manager must meet all dogs prior to application approval. Absolutely no Pit Bulls, Staffordshire Terriers, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, or any mix of these breeds will be considered.
Note: Pet policy varies between properties, however, we do allow cats in most of our buildings. While the carpet is professionally shampooed between tenants, we cannot guaranty that the unit has not housed cats and is hypoallergenic. If cat allergies are an issue, please keep this in mind while deciding to apply.
Note: There is no smoking allowed inside any of our buildings; however, smoking is allowed outside, including on balconies/porches, providing the extinguished cigarette butts are placed in a safe, covered container and emptied on a regular basis. Cigarette butts littering the lawn will not be tolerated.
Note: All utilities for which you are responsible for must be transferred into your name by the agreed upon move‐in date BEFORE keys are provided. NO exceptions.
No person or persons shall be denied the right to rent one of our apartments because of
race, color, sex, religion, familial status, national origin, age, or physical handicap.